Postgraduate Opportunities

This page provides information on postgraduate scholarship opportunities offered at UK universities for the academic year 2018/19. 

Postgraduate study in the UK covers a broad array of courses and disciplines. Master of Arts, (MA), Masters of Science (MSc) and Masters of Business Administration (MBA) being the most common.  Postgraduate qualifications also include taught and research courses, as well as postgraduate certificates and diplomas. Broadly speaking, taught masters degrees, consist largely of lectures seminars and tutorials as well as a research element in the form of a dissertation or extended essay. Masters of research degrees (Mres) include a larger research element than a taught Masters degree and are designed to provide training for becoming a researcher. Where universities are offering either taught or research degrees, this is indicated in the table. 

What Do You Need to Do?
Check on the list to see if the university you wish to study at is offering bursaries for Postgraduate courses.
Apply for  your chosen postgraduate courses directly to the University. You will usually need to apply at least 8 months before the course is due to begin, however it is advisable to make further enquiries at the university to check when you can submit an application.
If you are offered a place on a postgraduate course, you will receive notification directly from the university.
Once you have received an offer of a place on a course, you can then apply directly to the university bursary scheme.

For more detailed information and advice on choosing a postgraduate course and the application process, visit the following webpage:

Alternative Sources of Support
There are alternative sources of funding and support if you are not successful in your application for an Article 26 bursary. The links below are to other organisations that offer provide:

Refugee Support Network provides advice and guidance on access to higher education:

Refugee Support Network: for advice and guidance via their telephone and email helpline.

Schwab & Westheimer Trusts:

This table is merely a guide to help you identify the scholarships that you may be eligible to apply for based on your immigration status. Each university will have additional eligibility criteria that you will need to meet in order to make an application. You will need to check and adhere to the information on the individual university websites for precise details on available bursaries and on how to apply. By clicking on the links provided in the table, you will be re-directed to the relevant webpage of each university. Please contact the specific university if you have questions regarding your application. Contact details should be included on the web page, or you can contact the relevant university student services department.

The key at the bottom of the table explains the use of letters in the eligibility column to denote different forms of immigration status.

No of Bursaries 
Web Link
Bath Spa University           
University of Bath  15.07.18   2 AS, AS(fc), DLR/LLR, HP Click here
University of Bristol 03.05.18     AS,  AS(fc), DLR/LLR, HP Click here
Cardiff Metropolitan University 22.06.18   2 AS,  AS(fc), DLR/LLR, HP Click here
University of Dundee  31.03.18   8 DLR, LLR, HP, R Click here
University of Edinburgh TBC   2   Click here
University of East Anglia TBC   2 AS,  AS(fc), DLR/LLR, HP Click here
University of East London TBC   4 As, DLT/LLR, HP Click here
University of Exeter 15.05.18   3 R, DLR/LLR(as) Click here 
University of Hull 03.08.18   3 AS, AS(fc), DLR/LLR, HP Click here
University of Glasgow 30.06.18   4 R, AS, AS(fc), DLR/LLR, HP Click here
Goldsmiths University          
Keele University  03.06.18   1 AS,  AS(fc), DLR/LLR, HP Click here
University of Leeds  13.06.18   3 AS, R, AS(fc), DLR/LLR(as), DLR/LLR, HP Click here 
University of London  01.09.18   7 R Click here
Leeds Trinity University          
University of Leicester 13.08.18   2 AS, R, AS(fc), DLR/LLR(as), DLR/LLR, HP Click here
London School of Economics (LSE)          
University of Sheffield          
SOAS University of London 31.05.18   1 AS, AS(fc), DLR/LLR, HP, R Click here
Southampton Solent University          
University of Strathclyde          
Teeside University  30.04.18   2 AS, AS(fc), DLR/LLR, HP click here
Warwick University 16.03.18   5 AS, AS((fc) DLLR/LLR, HP, R click here
York St John University  15.05.18   1 AS, AS(fc), DLR/LLR Click here


Eligibility/Status code explained:
AS Asylum Seeker: must have either submitted a claim for asylum or be actively appealing a negative decision on claim for asylum. (in most cases dependents of asylum seekers are also eligible to apply. Check the individual university for details)
AS(fc) Asylum seeker who has submitted a fresh claim for asylum due to all appeal rights exhausted on their initial asylum claim.
R Refugee status 
DLR/LLR(as) Discretionary Leave to Remain/Limited Leave to Remain as the result of an asylum claim
DLR/LLR Discretionary Leave to Remain/Limited Leave to Remain for reasons other than an asylum claim
ILR Indefinite Leave to Remain
HP Humanitarian Protection

SVPRS   Syrian Vulnerable Person Relocation Scheme

* DLR / LLR represent people with temporary status

This table is merely a guide to help people identify the scholarships that they might be eligible to apply for based on their immigration status. Each university will have additional eligibility criteria that applicants will need to meet in order to make an application. We advise applicants to check and adhere to the information on the individual university websites for precise details on available bursaries on and how to apply. We have provided a link to the relevant webpage of each university in the table above. Questions specific to individual universities need to be addressed to them – contact details should be included on the web page, or contact the relevant university student services department.

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